
Welcome to the South Texas Beer Blog. Please enjoy responsibly!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Support Your Local Brewery

Support your local brewey

Support your local brewery! This website has a lot of information pertaining to state and national laws that affect craft brewers and beer enthusiasts. Sign up for email updates for your local and national issues.

For example, did you know that excise taxes collected from beer add up to more than the profits of the entire brewing industry? Could you imagine that kind of taxation on other industries?

From the website: The goal of Support Your Local Brewery is to support small, independent and traditional brewers' efforts to secure fair legislative and regulatory treatment by mobilizing beer enthusiasts across America into a national grass roots movement that will collectively impact the legislative and regulatory process when necessary.

Support your local brewey

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I hope you enjoy the South Texas Beer Blog. I will be posting beer news, reviews, homebrewing information, and whatever fun stuff I can come up with. If you enjoy, make sure to follow me to keep up with new stuff!

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South Texas Beer Blog