I tried a couple more seasonal offerings this week and wanted to share them with you guys. Sierra Nevada Glissade Golden Bock was the first one that I tried. It is a spring seasonal so it might be hard to find now, I happened to buy a single bottle of it awhile back with the intend of putting it on here.
The name Glissade comes from the act of voluntarily descending from a mountainside by sitting, crouching, or standing. I get the imagery, descending from winter's snowy peaks to a refreshing springtime. This refreshing springtime lager meets expectations in this manner.
Glissade pours very clear and golden with a slight white head. It smells of a traditional German lager, moderate hops with a slight "funk" that reminds me of Paulaner or Spaten lager. It's brewed in the Maibock/Helles style (BJCP description) which leaves a clear, crisp, and clean tasting brew. The flavor is slightly malty and slightly hoppy, a great balance. It's one to drink cold, as it gets warm more undesirable flavors may come to the surface and make it harder to swallow (literally).
Go check out Sierra Nevada's website for a quick summary of this beer.
The Bottom Line: Glissade wouldn't necessarily top my list as my favorite beer ever, but it is a good example of a maibock that's relatively easy to drink and refreshing. I would pick up a six-pack around the end of winter to help my "glissade" into spring!
ABV 6.4%
OG 15.5 Plato
FG 3.2 Plato
IBU 42
Malt Two-row Pale, Europils, Munich & Crystal
Bittering Hops German Magnum, German Perle
Finishing Hops German Spalter, Slovenian Aurora, Styrian
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